On Monday, I walked in to the building and there stood the Persistent Principal, smiling ear to ear, holding a GLOBE! The kids were huddled around her throwing questions at her. She was pointing out the land versus the water and helping them find where they would be on this globe. As the different children came in that morning, we got an idea of where each one of them stood on the subject. My favorite was the pig tailed wide eyed wonder who came in and as her eyes were about to pop out ... Read More about Teaching Vocabulary and Remembering it! Globes and Maps
Search Results for: vocabulary
Teaching Vocabulary One Morning at a Time
After several administrations of our standardized, grade wide, computerized reading test, our literacy specialist, the "Reading Radical", noticed a large majority of kids were missing several of the same vocabulary words. One of those words was “quilt”. She rallied us together to teach the 4 and 5 year olds on our campus this word through several different modalities. Our “Quilt Campaign” started like this… In the mornings, our "Persistent Principal" and "Canny Counselor" stand at the ... Read More about Teaching Vocabulary One Morning at a Time
Christmas Preschool Activities
I have suggestions for organizing Christmas Preschool Activities that will keep your students actively engaged in learning communication skills. I have tips that have helped my groups run smoothly and organized. These Christmas activities for preschoolers are intended to promote early language and communication skills. I especially look forward to Christmas for preschool activities in speech therapy. There is always a way to incorporate other themes that the kids love at Christmas ... Read More about Christmas Preschool Activities
Speech and Language Games Online
Parents ask me to recommend speech and language games online all the time! I can't honestly say that I LOVE for parents to use apps or online games to teach communication skills. Language is best learned in natural contexts, BUT if parents want to work on skills I have already taught in speech therapy as a review, there are a few things I can recommend. During the COVID quarantine, online games for speech therapy became a hot item! Teaching from my kitchen table, I needed easy to use ... Read More about Speech and Language Games Online
Chinese New Year Activity Ideas for Preschool
This post will have several Chinese New Year Activity Ideas for preschool and kindergarten students. The Chinese New Year activities for kids in this post will be specifically to target speech and language but can be used with all students in this and early elementary age groups. If you are looking for ideas for Chinese New Year activities for preschoolers, you are in the right place! Chinese New Year Quick Facts Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival is another name for the Chinese New ... Read More about Chinese New Year Activity Ideas for Preschool