Are you looking for exciting Dinosaur Week activities? Your preschool classroom will be roaring with fun with these dinosaur reading activities and dinosaur music activities!

Everything you need for Dinosaur Week
When our preschool classrooms have dinosaur week, we get fully on board in our speech therapy room. After finding the perfect themed outfit, pulling out all of my dinosaur puppets, stuffies and sensory bin items, I start looking at my books.
Dinosaur reading activities
I go through my dinosaur books to see which ones go best with my current caseload. For instance if I have students working on basic vocabulary, I may choose one that targets colors or spatial concepts. For my kindergarten articulation students, I will choose one with more mature language and vocabulary. That way we can find articulation words throughout the entire story. You can find my books for this year in this week’s lesson plan document below.
After I have chosen two or three books for the week, I look at some dinosaur movement activities with SONGS!
Dinosaur music activities
With preschoolers who have primarily language deficits, I always look for songs that target spatial concepts or action words. Many of my students need to learn more verbs to make their communication more functional. Singing songs at the beginning of our time together also gives students the chance to get their wiggles out before sitting at the table for story time. Find safe YouTube links to a few great songs for these goals in this week’s lesson plans below.
Dinosaur Group activities
In a small group in speech therapy, we need to be able to focus on several different goals at one time. Each student in the group may or may not be working on similar goals. I have included some articulation and language activities in this week’s plans. Also included is an open ended game recommendation that you can easily fit into mixed groups in speech therapy.
dinosaur lesson plans preschool speech therapy
Get the dinosaur lesson plans by clicking on the image below:
simple dinosaur crafts for preschoolers
Need a simple dinosaur craft for preschoolers? Just download this free dinosaur paper bag puppet from The Tuscon Puppet Lady. Want to add an articulation activity to it? Download the articulation paper bag puppets for speech therapy that include print and glue pages that fit exactly on the back of your paper bag puppets!
I also love this simple paper plate dinosaur craft from Made to Be a Momma.
I hope these ideas and links work well for your students! It is my goal to make your planning easier each week.
Check out some of my other recent themed lesson plans here:
Please feel free to comment below with your favorite dinosaur themed read alouds or songs! I would love to add more to my list.
All of the activities that I have mentioned here today can be easily located and downloaded in the Speech Room Resources Library.

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