Which Fairy Tale Character are you?
I would probably be Rapunzel because over the years I have grown out my hair and drastically cut it more than a few times. I’m also pretty resourceful in a bind. As for today, I hope you are relieved to find these activities if you too find yourself in a bind. This fairy tale themed unit for preschool speech and language therapy is already planned for you! Save time and sanity by downloading these activities.
For our fairy tale unit, we are going to use a variety of fairy tale songs, downloadable fairy tale worksheets, fairy tale books and fairy tale videos (for those students who may are still virtual).
Fairy Tale Stories to Read
Some fairy tale books for kids are too long for my preschool students with language impairment. I try to choose books that have simple pictures and text. The books for this week primarily focus on dragon characters. You can download a copy of my Google Doc that includes the Amazon links to books as well as video read alouds here:
Fairy tale songs
The songs that I chose to include work specifically on action words. I begin the session with a song so that students can move around. Several of my students have goals to imitate actions so this makes a great opportunity to collect data for that skill!
Fairy tale worksheets
This Preschool Fairy Tale themed pack includes easy to use worksheets that target every sound and some language skills. You also receive a Busy Book for Speech and Language that is easy to wipe down and use for many sessions. The Feed the Dragon activity is a HIT with preschoolers, especially when you put the fire in a sensory bin “pit” of black beans! Open ended board games are included to use for any skill. The fire sensory bin is also fun to use with community helper themes.
I also have included a free download for you in these lesson plans that you can use to work on articulation skills. Just print the dragon on white paper and color. Print the “fire” on orange, yellow or red construction paper or Astrobrights®️ and fill in the words to practice!
One of my favorite fairy tales to read aloud and reenact with my students is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You can read all about how I use it in speech therapy with preschoolers in my next blog post!

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