My preschool and Kindergarten speech therapy students need visuals and manipulatives to keep them motivated and busy during group. I have found that anything they can cover or color keeps their attention. I created this low ink, print and play activity this year for them to use in a variety of ways.
Here are two examples of how I used this print and play download in my speech room this week. The first example is using magnetic chips from Super Duper Inc. and a deck of articulation cards. This student said the word three times and then made a simple sentence. By the end of the board we had plenty of repetitions to add up and average.

The second student was working on using pronouns in sentences. I wrote a pronoun on each square with a dry erase marker and gave her a stack of cards. She had to make a sentence using both the pronoun and the word that included her articulation sound target. By using the board in this way, I was able to collect data on both her language and articulation goal.

My kids love these boards and I love the flexibility of them.
Looking for more winter themed activities? Target speech and language during fine motor tasks like these:
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