During our fairy tale unit, one of my favorite stories to read is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It is easy to use Goldilocks and the Three Bears for preschool students with language goals. The story is wonderful for targeting many aspects of language: WH questions and comprehension skills, basic concepts like size and time, household vocabulary, reality/fiction and more.
Activities for goldilocks and the three bears
Bear songs for preschool
Our preschool speech therapy sessions always start with a song. There is a Goldilocks and the Three Bears song for preschool students linked. It is one way to retell the story using music and some repetitive phrases. However, I prefer using the Teddy Bear Song I have linked in my lesson plans. It targets action words and following simple directions which is more appropriate for preschool children with language impairment. I want to use every opportunity that I can to target their goals. Many of them have goals for imitating actions.

After we sing our song, we sit at the table and read a story to work on vocabulary. The schedule is always the same. I have found that this is the easiest way to reduce unwanted behaviors and increase our productivity. In other words, it makes my life easier!
working on vocabulary while reading the book
When reading the book, I use real objects or the Goldilocks and the 3 Bears pictures (like the free download in this week’s lesson plans). For instance, I use the objects and pictures to introduce the characters, the furniture and the descriptive words like big/little, derivational word endings (-er, -est).
The two books that I included in this week’s lesson plans are both appropriate for young students learning vocabulary. In other words, they have short sentences and wonderful pictures. There are both Tier 1 and Tier 2 vocabulary words in each of them.
worksheets and crafts for bear themed activities
An activity that you can use for speech therapy with the Goldilocks and the Three Bears theme is my paper bag puppets for articulation. There is a bear paper bag puppet included as well as every developmental speech sound in initial, medial and final positions of the words.
Target even more language skills with a directed drawing
One way to target even more language skills such as positional vocabulary and size concepts, following directions and part/whole relationships is to us directed drawings. Young students who have weak fine motor skills can benefit in more ways than one.
Here is a great video to teach a young student how to draw a bear from Super Simple™️:
This would work well for in person or virtual speech therapy sessions. Just pause the video as you go and help the student understand the directions and concepts to create their own masterpiece!
I hope these activities and the free downloads included in the lesson plans are helpful when planning your own therapy or in a pinch (like the Monday of Fairy Tales Week!).
All of the activities that I have mentioned here today can be easily located and downloaded in the Speech Room Resources Library.

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