Read across America Day is the perfect day to get the community involved and increase awareness for providing a language rich environment at both school and home. I have created a free illustrating activity with a send home task for parents to ask students questions about the books they read. These questions are in both English and Spanish. Many of my students’ parents read and speak Spanish but some of their siblings read and speak English. My hope is that by providing parents with these questions in their home, they will use them again and again as they read to their own child different stories after the school day is over.
I used the activity in my therapy room for World Read Aloud Day. After sharing it with the faculty at my campus and hearing their enthusiasm, I decided to revamp it and make it a free activity for anyone to use for Read Across America Day.
My district participated with districts all over the world…for our students to experience this day to it’s fullest. I took a few pictures of the amazing illustrations that I saw one class making about the story that was read to them from a teacher in Missouri. I had another SLP who lives in Iran read one of our favorite Eric Carle books to us. The kids were fascinated and she was just beaming with pride!
Our campus had to choose a Seuss book for each classroom. In my speech room, we read Fox in Socks. The students picked their favorite part of the book, illustrated, and re-told that portion to their friends. We sequenced them across the table in order to retell the whole story. I was so proud of their illustrations:

Click HERE to get your free download of the illustrate and retell worksheet. I look forward to seeing your students’ work! If you share, please tag me so I don’t miss it!
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