My post on cognitive activities using the peg board has been the most viewed post on my blog since it’s “birth”…SOOOO… I have created a product specifically for therapists who may not have time or creativity on their side!
A peg board activity is also great for patients with left neglect. I place the pattern to the left of the patient so they have to scan in that direction to find what color or row to work on.
What’s included
Below is a preview with examples of the documents found in the PDF file you will receive as an instant download upon purchase. The PDF can be printed or viewed on a tablet or PC. I like to use the iPad (and open the document in iBooks) propped up in front of the board to save time and paper.
How do I store them?
Some people like to keep all of their patterns in a notebook with a clear sleeve on front and slide the targeted pattern in the front sleeve. With the notebook option, you can also store all of the documentation forms for current patients on caseload. That way, whichever therapist (PT, OT, SLP) is doing the activity with the patient can immediately see what level they are on and make comments on the form for the next person to consider.
What skills can I target?

How do I get the peg board patterns?

I found a place to buy replacement pegs: