Saving my weekly lesson plans for speech therapy in an easy to access Google Doc has been a life changing time saver. I can easily access everything I am doing this week in speech therapy whether in person or virtual teletherapy sessions.
By creating one Google folder and saving it to my favorites bar, I can easily access the weekly plans for an entire month or grading period. My main folder is titled Weekly Lesson Plans. Inside that folder I have each week labeled by date:

I can easily sort those by most recently modified. After the grading period is over, I will likely move those out to another folder and rename each one by the theme that we covered that week so I have them for next year.
Inside each weekly folder you will find my Google Doc with a list of everything I have available for a particular theme. This week, I’m not quite ready for a Halloween or Trick-or-Treat theme so we are going to do activities that focus on some creepy vocabulary instead: Spiders, Skeletons and Bats.
Skeleton Hiccups is a book I have read FOR YEARS because I LOVE the children’s reaction to how the skeleton finally loses his annoying hiccups. I love giving each child a mirror and letting them scream when they see themselves in it.
Five little bats is a wonderful repetitive book that makes a great lesson to also work with preschoolers on imitation of motor movements and crossing midline as we use our hands to make bats that fly around.
If you need something less spooky, The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle is a classic.
All of these books are linked as well as online read alouds in my lesson plans this week.
Also included within the lesson plan document is a free download, printable craft and song activity. I love finger plays and simple songs in speech therapy. I tell you more about that in THIS POST. When I found this little bat song online, I had to make a “puppet” for my kids to use and take home to review with their parents.
I plan on finding some dried sticks for them to attach their bat to that they can take home. He has a clothes pin on the back to pinch whatever he is hanging from. So fun!
If you have any questions about organization or creating Google folders, please let me know! You can always reach me at or by sending a direct message on Instagram.
If you missed any of my previous lesson plans, they are available here on my blog or also in my Instagram highlights. Please share any of your favorite books, videos or activities in the comments below!

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