In my quest for the most engaging, most comprehensive speech therapy activities for preschool students, there is no doubt that some of the most favored activities with preschoolers have the following components: dirt, wheels, noisy toys and a little mess! That’s why this week I’m talking all about preschool activities for construction theme!

Construction Theme for Preschoolers
Today…you will get a ton of free activity ideas. I’m also going to share a product that I created specifically for preschool students who are language or speech delayed. In my Early Childhood Center, we have determined to focus on helping students develop their vocabulary skills through intentional, targeted instruction. Because learning about vehicles and occupations doesn’t stop at doctors and police cars, I have created a new unit. We don’t want to leave out a very important group of workers in our community. Those who keep things in proper working order!
Construction theme songs
When planning songs to sing with my preschoolers, I like to choose the best songs for language development. Repetitive songs are helpful because more exposures to words are helpful for learning vocabulary. Songs that have verbs are purposeful for imitating actions or using verbs expressively in sentences. If it has a familiar tune, one used for several different songs, it helps too!
The songs for a construction theme for preschoolers have plenty of action words and construction vocabulary. You can get the links to play them directly from this Google Doc. Just click on the image below and download a copy for your Google Drive.
Construction theme coloring pages
If my students are coloring in speech therapy, they are coloring with a purpose. Coloring activities are a great way to keep students busy between their turn to practice 1:1 with me. There are plenty of worksheet activities in my store for articulation so naturally I created one for this theme. Sometimes the only thing I have time to do before starting my day is print out some worksheets. The table of contents in these activities is provided to make printing quick and easy. These worksheets have pictures and words for initial, medial and final positions of words. Multisyllabic words and CVC words are included too!
Also included in this unit are construction worker worksheets for rhyming CVC words. Students can either draw a line to match or in your preschool activities for construction theme with kindergarten students, they can write a rhyming CVC word on the line provided.
Construction zone games online
Have you tried Boom Cards in speech therapy? My students love them both virtually and in person. I use the iPad or open them up on the Smart Board. With this game, students will slide debris (rocks and bricks) onto the scene, covering the pictures of words as they say them.
More Preschool Construction zone theme ideas
If you have been following my speech therapy journey very long, you know that I love sensory bin activities for preschoolers. There are many free sensory bins to try out in my store. The bin that I have included in this unit has rhyming CVC words. Also included are sensory bin rules and suggestions for sensory bin fillers like pinto beans, kitty litter and black beans. Check out how cute these construction themed sensory bin pieces are in shredded brown paper.
activities for developing vocabulary
Intentionally teaching vocabulary means using some specific evidenced based practices in our daily activities. Graphic organizers, semantic features and expanding expression tools are included in this product. Another thing to consider is that you need to target more than just nouns for requesting and naming. Verbs are important for sentence grammar. Spatial terms are important for understanding concepts necessary for following instructions.
All of these tools and strategies are important keys to helping a student develop vocabulary that is necessary for future literacy and communication skills.
Construction themed crafts for preschoolers
Crafts are so useful for students with language impairment. It is a great chance to work on basic concepts and following directions. If you already own my paper bag crafts for articulation, here is a free construction worker printable paper bag puppet on TpT that you can use! I also found some adorable paper grocery bag vests to make to dress like a construction worker on the blog Never Shushed.

These are just a few preschool activities for construction theme in this unit. Also included is a word building game to use for developing phonemic skills and vocabulary. There are open ended game boards and spinners that can be adapted for a variety of activities. If you have students working on WH questions, use the printable flip book included. The play dough mats target both semantic features and core language skills. Use the token economy board like a puzzle to complete during a session or as a behavior tool for students who need visual supports for self control or task completion.
The books included in the lesson plan have simplified vocabulary that is age appropriate for 3-6 year olds. This construction theme for preschoolers unit will provide plenty of activities to target a variety of skills.
All of the resources I have mentioned here today can be accessed any time in the Speech Room Resource Library.

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