Looking for Spring activities to promote vocabulary and language development for your preschool students? The activities on spring for preschoolers that are found in this week’s lesson plans will make planning a breeze.

Spring vocabulary for preschool
This week in preschool speech therapy we will be focusing on trees and flowers. Gardening is such a great theme, we will be doing that one separate. Parts of a tree and parts of a flower are great vocabulary to target at this point in the year. Using worksheets or anchor charts are a great way to label with words and work on beginning sounds. Open this free download of parts of a tree on the interactive white board or trace it onto an anchor chart to use all week! Use this one to label a flower.
Download these free visuals to use with your own anchor chart:
In addition to simple labeling and part/whole relationships you can talk about similarities and differences between the two. Discussing that both have roots, the differences between stems and trunks, the need for branches. Talking about what types of animals and insects visit both is another great association activity.
Help students take a perspective of the tree or flower and expand language through activities such as “If I were a tree I would…” and “If I were a flower, I would…” and encourage a wide variety of verbs, adjectives and positional words.

Springtime read alouds
In this week’s lesson plans for preschool on plants, I have included some of my favorite books that are very interactive for developing language purposes. When several students can interact with the story and demonstrate language skills, it is a great book to add to my library. Tap the Magic Tree and Plant a Tiny Seed by Christie Matheson are just that! When you download this week’s lesson plans, you will get safe links to online read alouds but I highly recommend using the books in person. Students will take turn following simple directions to complete the tasks that will advance them through the book.
I also have two favorite books about trees that I use every year. Stuck and The Gobbling Tree. Both are stories about a little boy who gets something stuck in a tree and tries over the span of a day to get it out. We have illustrated as we read aloud, drawing the various items on a blank tree to keep track of the vocabulary in the story.
Preschool songs about plants
Within the lesson plans for preschool on plants, you will find safe links to four different songs. One is to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and labels the parts of a tree! It is sure to get students engaged and learning through movement and music. Learn about colors and numbers with the others as well as taking the perspective of a tree and using actions words in song!

Spring directed drawing
Using directed drawings to promote language skills can be very beneficial. You can teach and reinforce spatial, quantitative and qualitative concepts. This week’s directed drawing is a tulip. Find it linked in the lesson plans for preschool on plants below.
Virtual Field Trips for Preschool
One good thing that has come out of our quarantine year is that virtual field trips became more popular. In this week’s virtual field trip, students can visit the arboretum. The flowers and scenery are beautiful. The safe link is included in this week’s lesson plans for preschool on plants.
Read about how we taught the vocabulary RAKES and HOES during recess!
Oops! I think I missed the garden lesson plan! Can you please send me a copy?