It is time to start planning all of the activities for back to school in speech therapy! I have compiled some of the back to school activity ideas that I will be using as well as some other popular school based SLPs on the web. The downloadable lesson plans in this post follow the same format as the weekly lesson plans I share all year. There are even back to school activities for toddlers just starting preschool!

I’m always looking for fun activities for back to school for my preschool and kindergarten students. For many of them, this is their first time ever going to school. I want to do what I can to make it extra special for them. At the same time, I want to help make the transition from home to school smoother. That’s why the songs and stories work well for back to school activities for toddlers.
The back to school activity ideas that I will include in this post will have you prepared for the first week or two of school. The free lesson plans include direct links. By using the Google Doc I have made, you can open it up right on your desktop and click directly to the songs, stories or printable activities that I will be using.
use a schedule every single time
I use a visual schedule in therapy every session with my 3 and 4 year olds. As a result, fewer melt downs occur. You can read more about how and why I follow a schedule my preschool therapy sessions HERE. I start with a song, we read a story and then we do the activity. It may be directed play or a worksheet. I share the links to the stories and songs with parents through our Canvas classroom. You can get my weekly lesson plans too at the end of this post.
Each step in our schedule is covered in my lesson plans with back to school activities:
Click on the image below to get started.

where can i find more?
Check out these other Back to School ideas for speech therapy from my SLP friends:
Back to School Book Ideas for Speech Therapy from Let’s Talk with WhitneySLP
Busy Bee Speech’s Back to School Ideas
Get organized the first week back with Felice Clark from The Dabbling Speechie
In conclusion, planning therapy doesn’t have to be super difficult. You can stay ahead of the game with my weekly lesson plans that come directly to your inbox all throughout the year. Once you have figured out what works best with your students, keep it consistent. It helps them and you know what to expect.
All of the activities that I have recommended here can be easily accessed any time as a member of the Speech Room Resources Library.

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