winter clothes theme for preschool
A great way to work on seasonal vocabulary is to use a winter clothes theme for preschool students. When you talk about winter wear activities for preschool students, you can target many early concepts and vocabulary.
preschool songs winter
There are some great preschool songs, winter-themed, that target clothing vocabulary. I have included some of my favorites in my weekly lesson plans for a winter clothes theme. You can find more information about why I always start each session with a song in previous posts.
winter books for speech therapy
There are several winter books for speech therapy that focus heavily on winter clothing vocabulary. There are links to some of my favorite read-aloud picture books linked in the winter clothing-themed lesson plans.
My students especially love Froggy Gets Dressed (Amazon Affiliate). The sound effects that go along with Froggy putting on and taking off his clothes are fun.
winter clothes crafts and activities for preschoolers
One of my favorite winter clothes crafts to use when working on articulation and language is this easy Winter Mitten Craft. It is a great activity for mixed groups since there are articulation pages for all sounds in all positions of words. You can also work on language using the pages included for action words, adjectives, categories, plurals, synonyms and antonyms, multiple-meaning words, seasonal vocabulary, and associations.

Another unique articulation activity to use for this theme is a create-your-own-code coloring worksheet activity. The great thing is it is NO PREP! Just print and use it immediately! Read more here.

Have fun with this theme. Students are more likely to remember the clothing if they have actual pieces in the therapy room. I always try to do the theme on a colder day/week so I can wear boots and a scarf. Let students bring their coats, hats, and gloves from their classroom too!
All of the resources I have mentioned here today can be accessed any time in the Speech Room Resource Library.

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